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保 bao

Home Pinyin bao

保安 bǎoān security

保镖 bǎobiāo bodyguard; bodyguards; bouncer

保持 bǎochí keep; keeping; kept; maintain; maintained

保存 bǎocún preservation; preserve; preserved; save; saved

保定 bǎodìng baoding

保费 bǎofèi premiums

保管 bǎoguǎn custodianship; custody

保护 bǎohù conservation; conserving; protect; protected; protection; protections

保健 bǎojiàn health care

保龄球 bǎolíngqiú bowling

保留 bǎoliú reservation; reservations; reserved; reserving; retained; retaining; retains; retention

保罗 bǎoluó paul

保密 bǎomì confidentiality; confidentially; secrecy

保母 bǎomǔ babysit

保姆 bǎomǔ babysitter; babysitting; nannies; nursemaid; sitter

保暖 bǎonuǎn keep warm

保湿 bǎoshī moisturiser; moisturising

保释 bǎoshì bail

保守 bǎoshǒu conservative; conserved

保税 bǎoshuì bonded

保卫 bǎowèi defend

保温 bǎowēn insulation

保温杯 bǎowēn bēi thermos cup

保鲜 bǎoxiān freshening; preservation

保险 bǎoxiǎn insurance

保险公司 bǎoxiǎn gōngsī insurance company

保养 bǎoyǎng maintenance; upkeep

保有 bǎoyǒu tenure

保佑 bǎoyòu bless

保育 bǎoyù conservationist; conservationists

保障 bǎozhàng protection; safeguard; safeguarded

保证 bǎozhèng guarantee; guarantees; pledge; surety; warrant; warranties; warranty

保质 bǎozhì sell-by

保质期 bǎozhìqī shelf life

保重 bǎozhòng take care

保住 bǎozhù keep

承保 chéngbǎo insures

担保 dānbǎo encumbered; guarantee; secured; vouch

环保 huánbǎo environmental protection; environmentalists; environmentally

酒保 jiǔbǎo barman; bartender

确保 quèbǎo ensure; ensures; ensuring; make sure

投保 tóubǎo insure; insured; insuring; uninsured

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